Helicopter pilots and deep sea divers

A version of this blog first appeared on IMPOWER’s website here.

A question I was asked by a mentor when I was an ambitious young manager who had just joined the wider senior team in a national charity: “what needs to change about the NHS?”I fumbled around for an answer, guessing “we need to reduce NHS waiting times” or “we need to get better at prevention”. He had deliberately chosen a huge, swirling question to which there are hundred plausible answers, as well as a thousand wrong ones, to see how far I was willing to lift my head out of the detail. I can’t remember his answer, only that it broadly focused on building an NHS that can help us stay well, get better quickly when that’s possible, and live well for longer when we can’t be cured.

I could instantly see that he was comfortable staying very high level, and I gathered that if I wanted to move into senior roles, I would need to build the confidence to think much more broadly. But I continue to wonder: how useful is an answer of that kind to the huge questions we are faced with about our public services?

To some extent, his point was that you can’t say anything too specific in response to such a huge question. An operational answer to a strategic question always misses the point. Wherever your focus lands, you will lose sight of too much of the rest of the landscape.

In the decades since, I’ve mentored aspiring leaders myself and I’ve seen that a key step in that journey is being willing and able to shift your mindset from the detail into the broader picture. That strategic mindset is often described as a ‘helicopter view’. It requires letting go of enough detail in order to see the shape of the whole, rather than focusing on an individual or group. We celebrate and reward that mindset, but it also involves some trade-offs. A leader who is purely ‘strategic’ can refuse to leave their helicopter and come down to join the rest of us. Inequalities in services can be difficult to spot from a great height, and those leaders can have more knowledge than they have impact.

The leaders in public services whom I most admire have had vision, but have also had the willingness, and the emotional and social abilities, to dive into the work, experiences and relationships within their organisations – even if those organisations are very large. They recognise the value of those individuals, and also the value of those individual experiences to themselves as leaders. This is more possible in flat structures and self-organising teams, where the range of people who are responsible for strategy, operational success and culture is more evenly distributed. That way, more of the team is challenged to look up and out, as well to look down and in. It avoids asking one person or a small senior team to be the only ones who carry the whole picture, and it also avoids undervaluing the contribution to leadership that people who are doing the core can bring. These flat structures also make co-production with citizens who use services more achievable, which is the key to addressing the inequalities point above.

When I apply that kind of mindset to the question I was asked many years ago, “what needs to change about public services?”, I come back to an answer I’m not sure whether my mentor would have approved of or not: “we need a new kind of relationship to be possible and expected whenever someone who is looking for help encounters someone who wants to help them.” I believe our biggest public service challenge, more than funding or demographics or recruitment and retention, is that citizens need deeper, longer relationships with the professionals who support them. Professionals who can get to know them, work alongside them and those who care for them, and empower them in ways that are impossible within the brief, professional/client transactions which services typically offer.

Is that a strategic answer? It’s very small and personal, and all about the front line. But achieving it would require a whole new set of systems, incentives, skillsets and behaviours across every public service. It’s not something which any one leader can control or deliver, but it is something that we can all try to influence. That makes it the kind of change envisioned by IMPOWER’s ‘Edgework’ approach, which supports leaders to define their ambition for the system that can be influenced, not just the system they can control. The results of that unusual combination reinforce my feeling that it’s exactly that combination which we need, if we are going to have sustainable public services that work for us all, when we most need them to.

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